Embedding code from GitHub in your website

3-4 minute read

This doesn’t work anymore! The CORS policy of github.com disallows cross-origin requests from github.io and other domains.

I’ve spent the past few days redesigning my website which is built using Jekyll and GitHub pages. In my last post, I had to embed code samples from one of my repositories and things got a little messy there due to lack of any usable plugins.

Jekyll is a static site generator that takes content written in Markdown format, processes it, and generates corresponding HTML files using defined template files.

My end goal here was to be able to embed code samples from a GitHub repository to my posts without a hassle. Before continuing, I should let you know that Markdown engines generally allow writing plain HTML which is left untouched as the content is injected into HTML templates. As a result, injected plain HTML is also processed by browsers like the rest of it.

At first, I was looking for a quick solution and found Gist-it which was exactly what I needed. It’s a great tool but using it meant that I had less control over syntax highlighting and CSS styling of the rendered code. To insert code using Gist-it, I needed to add the following HTML code to my post, which imports a server-rendered Javascript in the page. A script for every block of code? Feels dirty!

<script src="https://gist-it.appspot.com/github/robertkrimen/gist-it-example/blob/master/example.js"></script>

The above code in a post would end up looking like this (so much for eye candy)

gist-it preview

Getting my hands dirty

This morning afternoon, I woke up and started working on a JavaScript solution that I could insert in the page templates so that it is loaded only once. Given the simplicity of the task, I had no problem breaking it down to the primitives. I began writing code from an end user’s perspective, so I started with the bit that I would need to insert code in my posts. It had to be written in HTML because Markdown syntax is pretty basic and doesn’t do much except text formatting. I came up with the following

<pre data-start="29" data-end="33" data-lang="yaml"
  • data-start: Line at which code embedding will start
  • data-end: Line at which code embedding will end
  • data-lang: Hints language in which the embedded code is written
  • data-src: URL of the file using which it can be downloaded
  • data-view: Alternate URL to view the file, e.g. GitHub blob link

The actual magic boxes

Next step was to write some JavaScript that would perform some weird wizardry to put some actual code in the <pre> elements. I used the following logical steps to make that happen.

  • Find all <pre> elements in the page that have the data-src attribute
  • For each of those elements
    • Download the code from the URL in the data-src attribute
    • Slice up the downloaded code from the data-start to the data-end position
    • Create a <code> element with the sliced up code in it
    • Insert the newly created <code> element into the existing <pre> element
    • Highlight syntax using the language provided using the data-lang attribute. I am using PrismJS highlight.js for syntax highlighting. It is modular and configurable with massive support for various languages.
    • Add a link next to the <pre> element to view the actual file

The code

function createFileLinkElement(url) {
  let element = document.createElement("a");
  element.innerHTML = "View file";
  element.href = url;

  let container = document.createElement("div");
  return container;

function normalizeWhiteSpace(code) {
  let lines = code.split("\n");
  if (lines.length < 1) {
    return code;

  let spacesToRemove = Infinity;
  for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
    if (lines[i].length < 1) {

    spacesToRemove = Math.min(spacesToRemove, lines[i].search(/\S|$/));

  return lines
    .map(function (v) {
      return v.substring(spacesToRemove);

function createCodeElement(code, language) {
  let element = document.createElement("code");
  element.innerHTML = normalizeWhiteSpace(code);
  if (language) {

  return element;

addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  document.querySelectorAll("pre[data-src]").forEach(function (item) {
    let url = item.getAttribute("data-src");
    let viewURL = item.getAttribute("data-view") || url;
    let start = parseInt(item.getAttribute("data-start") || 1);
    let end = parseInt(item.getAttribute("data-end") || -1);
    let language = item.getAttribute("data-lang");

    let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open("GET", url);
    xhr.addEventListener("load", function () {
      let code = `error: unable to load the resource at "${url}"`;
      if (this.responseText) {
        code = this.responseText
          .slice(start - 1, end)

      let codeElement = createCodeElement(code, language);
