Designing a passwordless authentication system for Noice

4-5 minute read

Managing passwords requires effort, and we can certainly do without it. Ergo, I started with the goal of designing a passwordless authentication system for Noice. An end-user inputs their email address to receive a link. They can open this link using a Noice client to finish signing in. I borrowed concepts from the OAuth specification and reduced them to fit a simple authentication flow. I didn’t use an OAuth server implementation because it is too complex to use in a (relatively) small project.

This design isn’t new; almost every simplified authentication flow with persistent sessions uses a similar design. adam-hanna/jwt-auth is one such implementation for Golang.

auth-flow Authentication flow overview


Protected Resource

A protected resource is an object (API endpoint or otherwise) that only an authorised user can access.

Refresh Token

A refresh token is a long-lived JWT that expires a week after its issuance. It proves to the server that a user has authenticated.


A sign-in token is a refresh token with a shorter expiration (about 15 minutes). It is sent to the user’s email when they request a sign-in.

Access Token

An access token is a short-lived JWT that expires 30 minutes after its issuance. The server uses access tokens to authorise access to protected resources.

Credential Exchange

When access tokens expire, the clients use refresh tokens to reestablish the authenticity of the user and issue new refresh and access token pairs.

Signing Up and Signing In

The clients provide email addresses to both of these operations. The server validates the request and sends a sign-in URL to the provided email address. When the user opens the URL using a client, the client obtains the sign-in token from the URL and performs a credential exchange to complete the sign-in flow. Other variants of this flow can replace email addresses with phone numbers or sign-in links with one-time passwords.

Issuing New Credentials

Clients regularly exchange their credentials to keep users signed in. The server implements an API endpoint to perform a credential exchange. Every time a credential exchange happens, the server renews the refresh and access token pair and extends their expiration.

Versioned Refresh Tokens

The server issues versioned refresh tokens to all users. It is similar to maintaining all issued refresh tokens in the data store. When a client requests new credentials for a user, the server increments the version of the refresh token in the JWT payload and persists it in the data store. Hence, the credential exchange is a stateful process.

In the event of a refresh token theft, two clients will possess the same refresh token. If the server receives more than one credential exchange request using the same refresh token, there will be a mismatch between the token version claimed by the JWT payload and the one known to the server. The server handles this mismatch by immediately revoking the refresh token. Thus, both the legitimate and the illegitimate users need to reauthenticate to regain access.

Consuming Protected Resources

The clients provide valid access tokens to access protected resources. If an access token is invalid, the server returns HTTP 401 for all protected resources. In such cases, the clients should perform a credential exchange before retrying this request.

The server delegates the access token validation and the request authorisation to a middleware. The access token carries the information required for authorising requests. It keeps the authorisation flow in the middleware stateless.

Signing Out

The client presents a refresh and access token pair to the server for signing out. The token’s JWT payload contains an identifier recognised by the server. The server revokes the refresh token using this identifier from its data store. It also uses an in-memory cache to store dangling access tokens until their expiration. Upon successful sign-out, the server refuses any subsequent requests using the same refresh or access token.


I have the Noice API’s staging environment set up. Please feel free to try out its authentication. FYI, the API server will refuse requests with HTTP 502 when it is down.

To perform the sign-up operation, make the following POST request.

curl -v -L -X POST '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "name": "<Your name>",
    "email": "<Your email>"

The API will send a sign-in link to the registered email. Copy the sign-in token from the token query parameter in the link. Then use the following GET request to obtain a refresh and access token pair.

curl -v -L -X GET '' \
  -H 'X-Refresh-Token: <Your sign-in token>'

On obtaining a new access token, you can view your profile by making the following GET request.

curl -v -L -X GET '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Your access token>'

To test credentials exchange, replace the sign-in token in the second request with the refresh token obtained in the third request. You can then fetch your profile again with the new access token.

Make the following GET request with the latest refresh and access token pair to sign out.

curl -v -L -X GET '' \
  -H 'X-Refresh-Token: <Your refresh token>' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Your access token>'

Make the following POST request to sign-in again. Then perform a credentials exchange.

curl -v -L -X POST '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "email": "<Registered email>"